Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
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Lettuce Rejoice! September 14, 2023 - Summer Share Week 15

Posted on September 8th, 2023 by Tamara McMullen


Lettuce Rejoice!
September 14, 2023
Summer Share Week 15


There's only 3 weeks left!

Here's the link for the winter share signup:




We've started transplanting baby greens for winter.  It's hard to believe that by the time we harvest these sweeties there will be snow on the ground.  

All around there are signs that summer is coming to an end and I'm coming to the realization that fall might just be my favorite season. 

There is something thrilling about the sheer magnitude of fall harvests.  In a single day we might harvest 2,500 lbs of sweet potatoes, or of carrots (though we aim for closer to 4,500 lbs of these), or we might clear our beloved purple diakon radishes and tuck away another 500 or 600 hundred pounds of food for winter. 

I feel like a valiant little squirrel filling the larder for a long winter.  My soul rejoices in the efficient, gratifying, heavy work that ensures that we, and our community, can continue to eat beautiful, vibrant, and deeply nourishing food through the cold and dark months that await us.  

If you haven't signed up for our winter share there are still a few spaces left though we are filling up, for which I am grateful.  Here's the link:


What's in the Box?

You can tell the season is shifting.  We are saying GOOD-BYE to zucchini and I'm doing a happy dance.  We pick it every day and it's time for a break.  

We are offering our first few delicata squash, leeks, and broccoli.  

This is my favorite delicata squash recipe:

Administrative Details:

Our cooler bags are starting to dissapear again.  Please make sure you are returning them every week or leaving them behind at pick up.  We really appreciate your help with this, the bags cost just shy of $6 each and it adds up really quick.


That's all for now, happy eating until next time!

Farmer Tamara