Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
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Lettuce Rejoice! July 27, 2023 - Summer Share Week 8

Posted on July 21st, 2023 by Tamara McMullen

Lettuce Rejoice!
July 27, 2023
Summer Share Week 8

It’s the 8th week of the Summer Farm Share - thanks so much for joining us!

You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday to do so.

Here’s a how-to file:

If you run into any issues, please email , you can also reach out to me at 

Please return your cooler bags and binder clips each week - THANK YOU!!!



photo by the brilliant @marycowanphoto


What’s in the Box?


We are all crunching on carrots these days, not even waiting for them to take their bath before we snack with great relish.  There are those that believe a little dirt is a good thing for the microbiome, and if that's the case ours are in great shape.


The cucumbers are coming on strong with us picking around 100 per day (every day).  In fact, all the fruiting vegetables are prime right now- cherry tomatoes, green beans, zucchini's.  Summer food is at it's best- DIG IN!  

Since we have so many zucchini's at the moment we are offering them in bulk as well.  If you'd like to stock up for the freezer, or for canning, now is the time!

 On the Farm

We harvested the garlic. 

Every year I dread garlic harvest.  It comes while we are already fairly maxed out, and adds about 30 extra man hours to the week.  BUT, we got it done, and once it was done I could be found shouting "the garlic is harvested" to anyone that would listen (and some people that wouldn't).  The sense of relief is nearly ridiculous.

At $0.25 a piece, Jack has being making a small fortune catching grasshoppers from the greenhouses.  These little buggers have been plaguing us for two years and there don't seem to be any good organic eradication options.   At least until we discovered that our 8 year old has a knack for it.  Keep it going little buddy - we've got to start planting greenhouse for fall come August.  

I planted the first of our storage carrots once the garlic came out, we'll plant more next week, and the final ones the week after.  They've got to go in by August 1, and Brian has declared this the winter of the carrot.  He's hoping we'll have them all winter and into the spring shares.  Stay tuned to see if we pull it off.


That's all for now, happy eating until next time.

 Farmer Tamara