Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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It rained yesterday!!

Posted on June 8th, 2023 by Teresa Kurtak

Pictured above: Farm Dog Nellie tried to make sense of Tuesday's rain.

Farm News: 

Gosh there's just so much to tell.. In a plot twist to our expected summer fog and clouds, Mother Nature decided to dump rain on us briefly on Tuesday.  Not enough to save us any irrigating, but just enough to cause damage to the "Sweet Anne" strawberries- our early heavy producing variety.  Strawberries don't like to get wet.  :(  Anyhoo.  Moving on from yet another disappointing strawberry week. The kids are out of school and last week we had our own mini "Farm Camp". Carrots were picked and eaten by all.  First sized strawberries were consumed.  Ellie and her bestie helped push in transplants that weren't deep enough behind the transplanter (pictured left).

Monday the first of a lot of big equipment arrived to our Diaz Flats field, along with many of the critical stakeholders (picture below).  They were there to break ground on a huge stream and floodplain restoration project that will be taking place on land that we currently lease from Peninsula Open Space Trust (and eventually hope to own).  The project will terrace a large field to create lower areas that will flood seasonally and be allowed to vegetate in riparian vegetation while creating a higher still farmable area. The project will hopefully alleviate flooding issues downstream and benefit our whole watershed.  It will go on through the summer till October.  Next year in phase two, an existing but silted in irrigation pond will be cleaned out and made larger to create more usable water storage so we can capture more of that Winter runoff for irrigation and not need to pull water from the creek during the dry months.

  Don't forget you can customize! One quick tip- look for the little shopping cart in the upper right hand corner of your screen and click on it.  It's much easier to view what is in your box and edit it from that window.  Over 80% of you are customizing, but we know from the phone calls and e-mails that some of you are still finding it difficult to navigate or haven't figured it out altogether.