Farm Happenings at Fifth Crow Farm
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This is it folks- last CSA box for 2022!

Posted on November 12th, 2022 by Teresa Kurtak

(pictured above: Farmer Mike gets a nuzzle from Teddy, one of our 2 Livestock Guardian Dogs) 

is the last delivery for the 2022 season!! Registration for 2023 will open in January.  2023 Season starts mid-May.

Remember to bring back your mesh bags so we can keep that re-use cycle going.  If you'd like to keep some around, you can purchase as many as you like and add them to your CSA box this week.  They're in the "Extras" section.   

**IF YOU PURCHASE BAGS, WE WON'T BE PACKING EXTRA MESH BAGS IN YOUR BOX!  THIS IS AN HONOR SYSTEM WAY FOR YOU TO KEEP BAGS YOU MAY HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED IN YOUR BOXES IN PREVIOUS WEEKS BUT WOULD LIKE TO KEEP, OR ARE HAVING A HARD TIME RETURNING ;)   Reminder- if you haven't purchased them, we do expect them back as they were a significant expense this season that we did not pass on to y'all.  They only pay themselves off if we continue to use them over a few seasons.  So you don't have to return to your sites next week to return bags, we won't be using re-usables this coming week.


FARM NEWS: As much as we love all of you, I think we're all pretty exhausted and ready for the slower and shorter days of Winter.  Time to review how the season went and plan out next year and how to make it even better.  But we're not quite there yet.  We still have a few big pushes to make before we can shut the farm down for the Christmas/New Year's Holidays.  Next year's strawberries are about to be planted, a few more fields need to be cover cropped, and we still have rounds of broccoli, cabbage etc. that will be producing next Spring that need to be transplanted.  The baby chicks now have all their grown up feathers and in a few weeks time we'll be moving them out to the pasture and getting them trained to roost in their "big girls" coop.  The work never ends on a farm.. but Mother Earth does force us to take it easier at times.  Mud, rain, and wind can make it impractical and unsafe to harvest even if there is product ready to pick in the fields.  This Winter our big project is getting together permit applications for 4 Farm Worker housing units to be built for existing employees at our new Pack Out location.  Cross your fingers for us.. we're the closest we've ever been to actuating this dream, but a lot is in the hands of the county permitting process.  

We wish all of you a cozy and rejuvenating Winter. As the fruit trees are already slowly gathering energy to marshal next years buds, we are also retreat inwards this time of year to rebuild our energy in preparation for the ecstatic and wild growth of Spring.

Little Gems:  We've had heavy frost almost every day over the last week.  It has definitely affected certain crops and caused some aesthetic damage.  We have plenty of little gems this week, but many have slight browning on the tips of the leaves.  We'll do our best to send you the best of what we have but you should expect things to look a bit different due to the change in seasons.