Farm Happenings at Fiddlehead Farm
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Veggies for the shortest days of the year

Posted on December 2nd, 2021 by Heather Coffey

We've been wrapping up work with the daylight, and the days are getting so short! Despite the cold and snowy days, Thursday was glorious and we were able to harvest the leeks with the lovely warm breeze. There's lots of fresh treats still from the fields, and the full roster of storage veggies as well. We've been busy packing up all week, but now it's time to let us know what exactly you'd like to feast on over the next five weeks. It's an extra week longer than usual due to the holidays, so stock up well :)

Highlights this month include: lettuces from our greenhouse, beautiful (and delicious) red carrots, multicoloured sweet potatoes (white and purple are available this month in addition to the orange), honeynut squashes and pumpkins for roasting, Brussels sprouts and leeks from the fields, garlic and onions, and all the root veggies... take your pick!

We've been busy this past month getting in all the last of our harvests, solving endless puzzles of how to fit it all into storage, and taking a couple long weekends to start our recovery after another busy season. Knowing all your winter veggies are safe in storage is such a relief, especially since we have you all lined up to eat them! We took time to celebrate as a big team of staff and volunteers before our team got smaller for the winter. We've all had the opportunity to visit with family too after a busy season. Norma and Marina are back with their families in Mexico, and our local crew has been to Peterborough, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal visiting those who have waited patiently for the season to quiet down. 

A quick note about a Harvie update, they've officially transitioned their "credit" system to automatically be used on your next order. So if your total looks a little lower this month, happy holidays from Fiddlehead Farm! It means you had a credit on your account which hadn't yet been used up with swaps and extras. Moving forwards, credits will just go towards your next share value which is a lot easier to understand than that silly limitation to swaps and extras ;) So if you refer a friend to us, you'll get $25 off your next delivery and yes, we've got enough veggies to feed more households in case you know anyone hungry for tasty local winter veggies!

We are ever grateful for your support and appetite. May these short cold days be full of delicious warm feasts and wonderful people to share them with, 

Heather and the Fiddleheads