Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
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[CSA Update] Welcome to week 3

Posted on September 7th, 2023 by Ida DeFrancesco

I'm Farmer Joe. Before I held this title, I was a kid in love with CT's rustic soil. As a fourth-gen farmer, I grew up surrounded by rich farmland and age-old wisdom from my dad. He taught me how to plant and nurture crops. As I got older, my passion for farming grew. I studied sustainable farming at UConn. Every Friday, while my peers planned their weekend, I'd head home. I loved waking early with the sun, ready to bring a new day to our crops.

Early in my marriage, my wife was knee-deep in the fast-paced world of biotech when a big European biotech company came calling. A massive shift was on the horizon. Suddenly, my wife was asked to consider moving to Germany for work. Yes, you read that right. Germany. The world headquarters of this biotech behemoth. A room full of executives, all eyes on her, waiting for her response.

"I'm married to a farmer", she said, and the room fell dead silent. They didn't quite know what to make of that.

Suddenly, we had a dilemma on our hands. On one hand, this was a golden opportunity, a new adventure in a foreign land. Germany, with its efficient high-speed autobahns, rich folklore, and hearty sausages, was calling.

But on the other hand, there were challenges. The daunting language barrier, the cultural shift, the distance from our families and from this farm that had been my family's heart and soul for four generations. It was a tough call.

And yet, in the face of this life-altering decision, my wife didn't bat an eyelid. She simply said, "No, but thank you."

It's been 14 years since we began our adventure and Farmer Joe's Gardens has flourished. Our CSA members have increased multifold, and we feel beyond blessed to be a part of so many food enthusiast's lives. We thank each and every one of you for your support and for helping us grow and thrive.

So, there you go, folks. That's the story of how Germany almost, almost became home. But as they say, home is where the heart is. And our hearts? They're right here in Connecticut, with you all, and with every seed planted in this beautiful, fertile soil.