Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for October 12, 2021

Posted on October 8th, 2021 by Will Nelson

This week at the farm many of us have been noting how the days are getting darker faster and the leaves atop the maple tree are turning burnt orange. At our morning meetings we’re met with crisp air and sometimes a thick fog that undulates over and between the hills and trees. I can sense autumn as it creeps up all around us in the soil, wafting through the air, and in our produce. The cows seemed particularly glee galavanting through thick dense dewey grass Tuesday morning (pictured here is our youngest calf Rudolf chewing on fresh grass in the mist). Most of our winter squash is out and our sweet potatoes are finally being harvested - it has been a big help to have the student farmers and volunteers join in at Weed n’ Feed on Fridays. I enjoy everything about sweet potatoes except for the awfully rank smell of rotting ones. Our usual harvest is typically split between CSA (Campus Supported Agriculture), Dining Hall orders, and Market (Farmers on the Square in Carlisle from 3pm-7pm!). However, the past few days in particular, we have been harvesting for and preparing for the dining events to take place at the farm this weekend such as the Paella and Gather. This Sunday there will also be a sheep butchering demonstration led by our Vegetable Production Manager, Will Nelson. 

A new and very important update to note is that starting today there is now a mandate that all staff and volunteers wear masks for indoor and outdoor work on the farm for the safety of students, employees, and the Dickinson/Carlisle community during COVID. 
