Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
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Cooper's CSA Farm -Farm Happenings Week 19 Oct 16-21 PORK SHARE

Posted on October 12th, 2018 by Coopers CSA Farm

This is the last pork share of the summer season. To keep receiving pork for the up coming months you have to sign up again. you can access it from our website or click here

With colder weather coming we give the pigs more inside access. In the pic you can see they huddle up for warmth. We add straw bedding as well and as it gets colder they start to bury themselves in straw for warmth.

Our sows farrow (give birth) twice per year and our next batch is due in November so we are doing some prep work in the barn for that. It's far too cold in november for them to be born outside so we have large pens in the barn bedded with deep straw for the sows.

Have a good one!
