Farm Happenings at Cedarville Farm
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Farm Happenings for November 9th, 2022

Posted on November 6th, 2022 by Mike Finger

The customization period for this coming Wednesday's (November 9th) farm share is now OPEN and will remain so until midnight tonight, Sunday (11/6).  If you'd like to review or edit the items in your harvest NOW is the time to do so.  Once again, we have a robust list of crops available for this week's harvest , so if you do want to delete, swap, or add items you have some choices available to you.  If the link in this email doesn't connect you to your customization page, you can always log directly into your Harvie member account and customize from that location.

Incredible to think that two weeks ago we broke the record for the high temperature (for that date) in Bellingham with a searing 80 degrees and that now we are facing an early winter bomb with highs barely in the low 40's and lows crashing to the low 20's, possibly even the teens.  I don't know about the crops, but we are feeling a bit dazed by these weather gyrations.  We devoted most of our efforts at the end of last week to harvesting crops ahead of the impending cold.  We filled nearly every harvest lug and bin we own, bringing in nearly 2000 lbs of product.  There are still a lot of crops in the field, some hardy enough to take the cold, some we'll want to protect if we can, and some for whom we'll offer our thoughts and prayers.

This Week's Photo:  The ever stout and cheerful Cedarville Crew standing in front some of the 80+ bins of farm crops they harvested last week.  Cold and wet can't defeat this crew, although we were all grateful to put away our rain gear Friday evening and head straight for hot baths!  Snow is predicted for our area tonight and tomorrow, and while not our favorite harvest element, it promises a lovely landscape in which to revel and give thanks.

And thanks to all of you good members for your support!  THANK YOU FOR RETURNING YOUR  BOXES as often as you can manage.  We have deployed almost our entire inventory of boxes into the delivery stream and are on a constant scramble to locate more we can use for your shares.  EVERY BOX YOU RETURN is one we don't have to buy or scrounge for!  Thank You for your support in this regard!

Enjoy the harvest and this dynamic season we are entering.

Your Farmers,

Mike, Kim, Matt, Ashley, Debbie, Arden, and Lauren

Cedarville Farm


Mike, Kim, and Crew

Cedarville Farm