Farm Happenings at Cedar Crate Farm
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Late Season Tasks

Posted on October 15th, 2020 by Daniel Zimmerli

We've been busy on the farm doing working on several late season tasks. The biggest of these is our fall cleanup. All of the tools we use to grow produce need to be picked up and put away for the winter. This includes pulling up the landscape fabric we use to suppress weeds, pulling up tomato cages and their supporting t-posts, and removing tomato plant residue. It's a big job and we're making good progress on it.

Other fall tasks include our final harvests of beets and carrots for storage and harvesting popcorn. Caitlyn and I harvested 12 bushels of popcorn by hand yesterday. The popcorn looks great and we're excited to have popcorn again soon! We will have some popcorn available at the winter farmers market. We also harvested the last of the carrots. We love late season carrots that have seen a frost because they are extra sweet and crispy! We'll have carrots for the winter market while our supply lasts.