Farm Happenings at Cedar Crate Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 6, 2020

Posted on June 3rd, 2020 by Daniel Zimmerli

It's been a busy week on the farm and the weather sure has been crazy! Hot days and crazy storms and even a tornado warning for our area. We sustained only little damage in the storms and are relieved we were spared this time. Our crops are growing really well overall and we're excited for what this season has in store.

We've been working very diligently to get ahead of the weeds on our farm. We are spending full days just working on weeding using a variety of methods ranging from pulling weeds by hand to cultivating with a wheel hoe.

We have a couple new items this week for pre-order: cilantro and radish. We also have lettuce, spinach, the last of our early garlic, and a very limited supply of both asparagus and rhubarb. In a couple weeks we will start to see peas, beets and kohlrabi and we can't wait!