Farm Happenings at Broadfork Farm
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Posted on May 6th, 2019 by Janet Aardema

Shares are bigger this week! Thank you for your patience last week while our harvest was slim. Now we have so much! If you ever want to get less in your share, you can swap for a "Donation to the Food Bank" and we will donate vegetables to the St. Stephens Food Bank for you. And - a note about PREFERENCES -- if you're getting an item in your default share more often than you want it, log in and adjust your preference for it down one number. Think of the preference ranking as "How often I want to get this item..." rather than how much you love it. 

Cucumbers are just beginning - cross your fingers that the cucumber beetles will succumb to our organic eradication efforts so the cukes can thrive!

Enjoy all this goodness! 

Janet & Dan