Farm Happenings at Broadfork Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 18, 2021

Posted on September 16th, 2021 by Janet Aardema

We're excitedly in the countdown to REAL fall now here on the farm! With the Fall Equinox less than a week away, we get a little giddy. AND our family got to sneak up to the mountains last weekend for a very brief Saturday afternoon-Sunday afternoon camping trip, complete with a lovely fire pit Saturday evening and crisp weather Sunday morning. Short breaks from the farm are like a balm for our souls, and we are grateful for the support systems here that allow us to leave for 24 hours! (We've been trying to do this for about 6 weekends in a row, but Saturday night thunderstorms and/or other commitments have prevented us until this past weekend. What a treat it is to travel away from the farm!) 

Whenever we get away, we return to the farm with a new skip in our step and excitedly check out how much the root crops and leafy greens grew while we were gone. (We know, we was only 24 hours. It's amazing how long that can seem!) So - you've got Salad Mix AND Lettuce Heads AND Radishes and Turnips in your options for this week. YUM!

Farm Share members: Last Friday we sent you all an email invitation to our Farm Share Member Social that will be held on Oct 2 at 3:00. We're adapting the format for this season given the ongoing pandemic and the Delta variant. We'll skip the usual shared food and streamline the menu to just beverages (warm and/or cold based on the weather). We love to show the farm to our Farm Share members, answer any questions you may have, and lead a walking tour of our fields to explain how we manage soil and crops. **There will be plenty of space to keep distance from each other so this can be a safe pandemic afternoon while you sip beverages 6 feet apart outside in the fresh air! ** RSVP through the evite. We look forward to having you here! 

Registration is now OPEN for the Oct 9th & 10th Folk School Workshops we are hosting. If you're looking to work with your hands doing something out of the ordinary this fall, details and registration are here as a Facebook event. Our guest instructors are talented and amazing! Join us to make your own chef's knife blade, or carve a wooden spoon or bowl, or stitch a leather bag, or make a bow-drill kit, or a stool, or one of numerous other options. Follow along on our social media pages this week to see different project options highlighted each day. (Visit us on Facebook or Instagram )


Vegetable Storage Reminder: keep Tomatoes and Eggplants OUT of the fridge. All GREENS and ROOTS need to be refrigerated in an AIR TIGHT bag or container to prevent going limp/wilty. If you're short on fridge space, you can also keep Peppers, Onions, Potatoes, Garlic, and Cucumbers (for a brief time) out of the fridge. 


The delicious fermented vegetables listed here are also from Katherine at Gathered Threads. We've been making our own fermented/cultured vegetables for years, and hers are the most delicious we've ever tasted! Give them a try. Your taste buds and your gut flora will thank you. This month's options include:

Peach Salsa
Chipotle Salsa
Mustard with Mustard (this is incredibly delicious! Our whole family loves it!)
Spicy Kimchi
Beet & Onion Pickle
Simply Sauerkraut


And - There are EGGS available this week. 

Blessings on your meals ~

Janet, Dan and the whole Broadfork Crew (Julie, Karen, Rachel, Maya, Parker, Ramsi, Anna, Rowen, and the farm kids)
Want to follow along during the week, including Farm Stand updates? Visit us on Facebook or Instagram