Farm Happenings at Broadfork Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 4, 2021

Posted on September 2nd, 2021 by Janet Aardema

Even with many area students back in school already and the drop in temps after the storm Ida that moved through, Summer is still with us! Our first round/early season Tomatoes did terribly this year, so we poured extra energy into our later rounds of Tomato plantings and we are delighted that those efforts paid off. Tomatoes are glorious right now!  There are bulk tomato options in the Extras section this week. 


(When you choose "Slicing Tomatoes" we always include at least one of our Heirloom varieties when we have them.) 

Now is the time to fully savor peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, okra, herbs, and summer squash. Traditionally, now is the time to preserve the abundance of those crops for the winter months when we need to dip into our larder to feed ourselves. We're stewing, roasting, and canning right now while thinking about winter soups and casseroles. We know most American's don't do this anymore, but we encourage you to consider this preservation! It tastes and feels so good. (We have just a few heads of Lettuce to harvest this week! Cross your fingers they keep growing for next week!) 

Meanwhile, your pick up day is the first weekend of September! Though Kale prefers Fall weather and it's certainly not yet Fall, we started a modest Kale harvest this week, and the harvest will hopefully increase during the next few weeks. The harlequin bugs are already mowing down on the Kale crop, which disappoints us greatly. (We work so hard in July to break the reproductive cycle of these bugs by removing all their favorite plants from our fields!) But, we're used to this sort of challenge, so hopefully our strategies will work again. 

If you're looking to work with your hands doing something out of the ordinary this fall, mark your calendar for the Rustic Crafting/Folk School Workshops we are hosting on Oct 9 & 10. Details are here as a Facebook event and registration opens at the end of this week. Our guest instructors are talented and amazing! Join us to make your own chef's knife blade, or carve a wooden spoon or bowl, or stitch a leather bag, or make a bow-drill kit, or a stool, or one of numerous other options. Follow along on our social media pages this week to see different project options highlighted each day. (Visit us on Facebook or Instagram )


Vegetable Storage Reminder: keep Tomatoes and Eggplants OUT of the fridge. All GREENS and ROOTS need to be refrigerated in an AIR TIGHT bag or container to prevent going limp/wilty. If you're short on fridge space, you can also keep Peppers, Onions, Potatoes, Garlic, and Cucumbers (for a brief time) out of the fridge. 



The delicious fermented vegetables listed here are also from Katherine at Gathered Threads. We've been making our own fermented/cultured vegetables for years, and hers are the most delicious we've ever tasted! Give them a try. Your taste buds and your gut flora will thank you. This month's options include:

Classic Cuke
Spicy Dill Cuke
Spicy Napa Kimchi
Baek Kimchi (White Kimchi)
Curry Kraut
Kohl Dill pickle (thin crunchy slices of Kohlrabi in dill brine)
Apple Juniper (delicious and refreshing!)
Rad Rabanos
Rosemary'd Turnips (amazingly tasty! It is wildly good!)
Simply Sauer
Red Head (red cabbage ferment)


And - There are no EGGS available in the Extras this week. Hopefully the Chickens will be refreshed next week!

Blessings on your meals ~

Janet, Dan and the whole Broadfork Crew (Julie, Karen, Rachel, Maya, Parker, Ramsi, Anna, Rowen, and the farm kids)
Want to follow along during the week, including Farm Stand updates? Visit us on Facebook or Instagram