Farm Happenings at Aspen Moon Farm
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Farm Happenings Week 9

Posted on July 24th, 2020 by Aspen Moon Farm

CSA is back in action and will be here for you every week until the end of October!  We are now starting to harvest tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, celery, unique onions, and more....  A note about tomatoes in your share- The Heirloom tomatoes that will be in some shares this week will be harvested a little under-ripe so that they won't squish when packed in your share.  some will need to ripen on your counter for 1-3 days.  Heirloom tomatoes should ripen fully before eating for the best flavor; they should feel a bit soft to the fingers, like a peach.  We grow our Heirloom tomatoes in the hoop house and they were planted in April.  We prune and trellis them weekly and they are now 10' tall!  Field tomatoes will be coming on in a few more weeks and will be basic red slicers, cherry tomatoes, and paste/roma types.  Please enjoy our heirloom zucchini and squash varieties that taste great even at a larger size.  Our farm fresh celery is like no other celery with edible leaves attached! It has such good flavor and is wonderful chopped and cooked with onion as the base of every soup, sauce, or sautee. The outer stalks are best cooked and the inner ones can be eaten raw.  Wonderful juiced also!  Store the celery leaves down wrapped tight in a plastic bag or tub so that it doesn't wilt.