Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Farm Happenings for December 19, 2023

Posted on December 14th, 2023 by Shiloh Avery

Note: This is the last harvest share delivery of this season.  We'll get the next season set up in January and let you know as soon as we open enrollment.  Thanks for a great season!  Have a fantastic winter!

We are still harvesting crops for markets and this last week of harvest shares. We are still deconstructing, cleaning up, and putting away the debris of this year’s season. We are still “putting the farm to bed”.  We are still planning next year’s crops.  But in the greenhouse, the next season has already begun.  In the greenhouse, we are already sowing the seeds of next season’s fruits.  In the greenhouse, we have already moved past this year’s mistakes and heartbreaks and into the swelling hope of the new year. This is the farm life.  This is the cyclical nature of things: the sped-up version of birth, growth, decline, death, decay, rebirth.  That even when things get crazy around us, even when we’re cleaning up the wreckage, we still have to stop and sow the seeds of the crops we wish to reap-a, everlasting metaphor for our human lives.