Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Farm Happenings for May 31, 2022

Posted on May 26th, 2022 by Shiloh Avery

We've made it through May!  How are you feeling?  I hope eating all these veggies has you feeling as good as we feel.  May is the craziest time on the farm as we are harvesting, washing, and packing some of the most labor intensive crops (all need bunched or packaged in some way), all while planting our summer crops as fast as we can.  But we made it!  Now the greenhouse schedule looks pretty mellow, and our time shifts to tending to existing crops and always harvesting, washing, and packing.  Pretty soon it will be time for our crew to start staggering their vacations (it's important for mental health to get away from the intensity of farm life for a bit during the season and we value mental health!).  Already, summer crops from the fields are starting to trickle in (like summer squash and zucchini!), and we're keeping our eyes on the blueberries for ripening.

Enjoy your harvest this week!