Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Farm Happenings for May 19, 2020

Posted on May 14th, 2020 by Shiloh Avery

Well after last week's arugula disaster, I'm a little more gun-shy about bringing in produce from farms I don't know as well.  But this week we got beets from my good friend Herbie!  We have been unable to grow beets well for a couple of years due to a foliar disease called Cercospora (I know, too much information), but Herbie (who is growing our sweet potatoes) always grows top notch produce, and I love beets and hope y'all do too.

Things are leveling out on the farm as we move into crops of which we planted extra (do I call these "post Covid news" crops?).  The weather has warmed up, we've uncovered everything, and we're planting our summer crops like crazy (that we delayed due to the late cold snap).  What a crazy year!