Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Red Kuri, Potatoes, Spinach + Cilantro

Posted on October 30th, 2023 by Ashley Thompson

What a chilly few nights we've had.  Luckily most of our crops are safely stored in warmer spaces, and those still in the ground are hardy and protected with blankets and greenhouses.  Although I noticed some potential damage to some greens when checking things this morning, for the most part everything looks stellar after this abrupt change in climate.

We've got veggies for some cozy cooking this week, and I have a few inspired ideas for those of you who may not have winter squash as much in your cooking repertoire.  Remember, you don't need to eat your squash this week--feel free to save it!  However, one of my favorites, especially considering we have fresh cilantro for you this week, is these squash tacos.  My best advice when cooking winter squash is to look up recipes with a similar, more common, squash, and substitute away!  Red Kuri Squash is great (maybe even better) in any recipe that calls for butternut (which doesn't grow as well in our climate).  And the best part-  YOU DON'T HAVE TO PEEL IT!

Another option- this Squash, Kale and White Bean Soup that is on my meal plan for the week.

To place your order, choose your produce to fill your box, click the cart icon in the top right, and then check out.  Don't forget to make sure you got a confirmation email to verify that your order went through!  You'll also receive a pick up reminder email with details about your chosen Thursday pickup location on pick up day.  

Happy eating,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew