Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Potato Leek Soup Box

Posted on October 2nd, 2023 by Ashley Thompson

This week we've got Potato Leek Soup (and more) in a box for you (or whatever else you choose to make), which means it's officially fall.

We've been working for years on growing really big leeks, and we've finally got them!  This makes them easier for us to harvest, and easier for you to prep in the kitchen.  Leeks are my favorite unsung fall vegetable.  I can't believe there was a time just a short while back that I'd never cooked with them.  To me leeks have all the flavor of an onion, without the bite or crunch.  They're now my choice allium for soups and many other fall dishes.  

Here is my favorite, simple Potato Leek Soup Recipe, if you're in need of one.  Or, if you're feeling fancy, I also love this Potato Leek Galette

It's hard to decide what to highlight for this box, because this week also features the return of Bok Choy into our lives, which is hands down my favorite stir fry ingredient.  It also makes a lovely simple side.

Finally, we're happy to offer the last of our eggplant as we continue to retire our summer plantings-- (hey, put it in a stir fry with that bok choy, maybe?)

This is my favorite time of year for cooking, with plenty of great variety and cool and earlier evenings to make it all happen, we hope you enjoy some time in the kitchen this week.

Your farmers,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew.