Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Peas and Carrots

Posted on May 27th, 2023 by Ashley Thompson

We're excited to bring Peas and Carrots to boxes this week, some of the favorite early season crops of all!  

This is the time of year when we get to look forward to new crops joining our harvest every week.  Our workload is starting to shift from prepping and planting to harvest and pack, and it's a beautiful time of year.  

In addition to the slew of spring veggies, we've got some fun herbs and otherwise for you to pick from.  We've got Garlic Chives, Sage and Rhubarb available for boxes this week.  We don't grow a lot of these items, but we want to give you the option in case you need a little flavor in your life.

Here's something I'm hoping to make this week, maybe you should too?: Roasted Radishes with Sage and Thyme

Happy munching,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew