Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Your Local Spring Veggie Box is HERE

Posted on April 10th, 2023 by Ashley Thompson

Holy moly, I can't believe we've made it.  We have had such a cold, wet early spring this year and though we appreciate the moisture, it has us feeling like it's still winter.  Our veggies are all growing slowly, but thankfully we made a couple extra early plantings and we've got some non-leaf items for you, despite the slow season.  We are so excited to feed you this year.

This week we're excited about the baby bok choy, which is luscious, perfect, and so succulent in stir frys, ramen, or as a simple side.

For those who are new (hey, welcome!) and those who need a reminder, Harvie constructs your box every week based on the preferences set in your profile.  You can update them anytime.  In this email you can see what's in your box, and can also hit customize to link over to your account and add or swap items as you desire.  For those who don't have eggs but want them sometimes, this is a great time to add them to your share and they'll be packed in your box.

Other helpful tips:

+ You can see your upcoming share + pickup location on your dashboard. You will also receive a pickup reminder email the day of pickup with the address and detailed instructions.

+ Boxes will be labelled with your name and box items.  Egg shares will be packed inside.  You may unpack your box and leave it or bring it back the following week (we reuse them as much as possible!)

+ You can see your scheduled deliveries in your deliveries tab.  You can change your pickup location here, and also skip any delivery here that you are not able to receive, before it is finalized.

+ If you paid with card, your first 4 deliveries are already paid for with your deposit, and afterwards you will be charged weekly.  SNAP members will be charged according to the agreement you signed with PNW CSA Coalition.

Looking forward to a season of veggies,

Your Farmers,

Caleb, Ashley and the Sungrounded Crew