Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Purple Cauliflower, Delicata, and Mustard Greens Available this Week

Posted on October 3rd, 2022 by Ashley Thompson

This week we're loving all of the fall flavors coming out of the field.  We've got sun-cured Delicata for you that's now ready to roast, hefty purple Cauliflower, all the peppers, and some gorgeous green mustards that I want to highlight this week.

I know mustards are a question mark for most people... what to cook with them?  Last fall I substituted mustard greens for kale into a soup with sausage, and it was one of the best things we ate all season.  There's something about a little zip in a rich and hearty soup.  If you've got any soups our stews you love with kale in it, consider swapping in mustard greens and enjoy the flavor boost! Otherwise, here's an Asian style recipe that's now my dinner plan for tonight.

Here's what's available:

Greens: Romaine Lettuce (last of the season!), Kale, Mustard Greens, Celery

Roots + Alliums: Salad Turnips, Scallions

Fruits + Legumes: Poblano Peppers, Green Peppers, Green Beans (last of the season), Green Tomatoes, Delicata Winter Squash, Cauliflower, 


Enjoy the beautiful weather, and some cozy evenings!

Ashley, Caleb, and the Sungrounded Crew