Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Winter Squash Season

Posted on September 26th, 2022 by Ashley Thompson

Thanks to the great weather, we've got another week where summer and fall food meet.  Red Kuri Squash is available for boxes, in two manageable sizes: small (2-3lbs) and medium (3-4lbs).  Red Kuri is great in soups and pies due to it's dry, creamy texture, and you can even eat it's fairly thin skin, if you want to avoid peeling.  This squash will keep well for 3-4 months, so no rush if you want to save it for later!

If you're excited about squash though, this week's box is perfect to make one of my favorites- Squash and Leek Risotto.  I use Joshua McFadden's recipe in his Six Seasons cookbook, but here's a similar one if it isn't on your shelf!

Here's the full list of Veg:

Greens: Spinach + Arugula

Roots + Alliums: Carrots, Radishes, Leeks, Garlic

Fruits: Strawberries, Cherry Tomatoes, Sweet Italian Peppers, Red Kuri Winter Squash (yes, it's scientifically a fruit!)

Herbs: Cilantro, Fennel

Pork Boxes- Wow!  We're so excited to see so much demand for add-on pork boxes.  So much in fact, that we've completely wiped out Apricus' inventory for the moment.  Apricus farm is waiting to pick up their next harvest from the butcher.  We're hoping to have a fresh inventory of pork boxes for you for pickup on 10/6, but it's possible we'll have to wait another week.  We'll keep you posted.

Availability: Our CSA program formally ends in four weeks, on October 20th, though we plan to keep listing on demand boxes at least two weeks past that, or longer if we have the variety for it!  We'll keep you posted, but eat your fill now, in the meantime!

Your farmers,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew