Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Long Summer Days Bring Big Greens

Posted on July 9th, 2022 by Ashley Thompson

Our farm feels like it's exploding with food.  Every year we hit this time and can't keep up with harvests.  Some crops get oversized and we skip to the next succession.  This year, thankfully, we've got more help than ever before, and as long as we can find outlets for our out of control greens, we've got the hands to bring them in.  I'm also getting better at seeing the tidal wave coming before it's too late.  These big greens I know will be followed by big roots next month, and I'm ready to stay on top of harvesting them!  It's a dance out here, trying to keep a hold of everything when sunlight is plentiful, and these long days bring tired farmers, wondering when the sun will go down a little earlier so we can stock up on rest.  For now we try to take it all in, and rest when we can so as not to feel depleted come fall.  Harvest mornings are long, but damn have we cultivated a beautiful field, and for that we're so grateful.

This week we've got the biggest beautiful-est red butter lettuce you'll see all season.  We've also got the last arugula until things cool off a bit once more, though we will continue to have small quantities at farmer's market if you need your fix!  We're also riding the flush of snap peas, as we know this heat will make the peas come fast and furious, and once they're done, that's it till next season!  We've also got the first of our Chioggia Beets available.  These beauties sure took their time this spring, but boy do they look good now.

We hope that you and yours are well,

Your Farmers,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew