Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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The best time of the year

Posted on June 11th, 2022 by Ashley Thompson

We've reached the glorious time of the late spring, where our early Tomatoes (that we've carefully cared for in heated spaces since late January) are ready to harvest in quantity, and at the same time our first garlic scapes are ready.  It's truly a magical time.

These two are a real delicacy- the tomatoes because most local farms won't have them until late July, and the scapes because we only have them a few weeks of the year! 

We're growing several hybrid and regular heirlooms this year that you may find in your box this week-- we've got reds, yellow tie-dye, pinks and purples- all are delicious.

Garlic scapes are the flower shoot of hardneck garlic, and we clip them off both to enjoy and to send more energy into the garlic bulbs.  You can eat them from cut end to the flower bud, and can put them in just about anything for a mild, fresh garlic flavor.  They're awesome on the grill, or pickled for a charcuterie item or Bloody Mary garnish, and these youngest ones are most tender, you can even mince them up and use them as a garnish.

We hope you enjoyed the cool, wet weekend- our crops are sure okay with it!

Your Farmers,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew