Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Flex Shares and Farm Tour

Posted on October 5th, 2020 by Ashley Thompson

We've got a few important notes today, as there are only THREE Farm Share deliveries remaining for the season.

First, for those of you who purchased a flex share (20 of 22 weeks), please read the following (if you are absolutely sure that you purchased a regular small or large share, feel free to skip ahead).  If you haven't used your two 'off' pickups, please be aware that you may not have a share scheduled for pickup on one or two of the last pickups.  As you may remember from sign up and early season emails, these skipped share dates are automatically placed at the end of the season unless you reschedule them.  You can adjust and view your remaining deliveries here, or by clicking the Deliveries tab in your Harvie account. If you have not rescheduled and want to get a share the last couple weeks, there's a good chance you'll be able to order an on-demand share through our Farm Stand, which becomes available when shares open for customization Monday evenings, soon after 5pm.  These are available until Wednesday at 7pm, although I'd advise you to order sooner rather than laster for best selection!  Remember that if you don't get an email telling you that your share will be ready for pickup that Thursday, you won't have a share to pickup.  Please email me if you have questions.  You can also see what type of share you purchased in Orders

Second, we're hosting a farm tour during the last share pickup! This season has been crazy, and we'd love an opportunity to see your face.  We're planning on pressing some fresh cider and showing folks around the farm around 5pm, Thursday Oct 22nd.  If you don't pick up on farm and would like to attend, you can also change the pickup location for that share and get your share on farm if you like.  More info to come as this gets closer.

Okay! Now for those farm shares!  We've got Delicata squash (our favorite) available for shares this week, as well as some of the last tomatoes, super tender kale, vibbrat cilantro, and lots more!  We've also got some green cabbages left, and although we won't put them into shares automatically since we know not everyone needs multiple cabbages in their life, we are going to make them available to swap in or add as an extra.

All the best, we're going back outside now to enjoy this fantastic fall weather!

Ashley and Caleb