Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Onion Harvest

Posted on August 24th, 2020 by Ashley Thompson

Today Caleb and I (Ashley) harvested the first of our onions to cure and dry.  We're very happy about this, as last year our onions were not mature in time to cure well and we struggled to get them to dry well in cool weather with fans.  This year our red onion plants' leaves have already flopped down, signaling the end of their growth and readiness to harvest.  We planted them earlier in hopes of this!  The yellow onions are still growing strong, so we'll continue to harvest them fresh for now, and hope that they die back in a few weeks.

We cure our onions in our propagation house, where we start all our seedlings for transplant.  In the fall, this house is relatively empty, leaving tables with good airflow open for curing (drying) fall crops.  This space is ideal because it is warm and dry, we also use it to cure garlic and winter squash.  If you pick up your share on farm, you can check out the process and see what's currently getting ready to store.

Once onions are dry, they can last all winter into early spring.  On the farm, we save many 'storage' crops for eating through the winter, along with hardy greens we grow in our high tunnels.

We've got a great stir-fry ready box for you this week including items such as Napa Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Zucchini and more, we hope you enjoy cooking with these veggies this week!

Your Farmers,

Ashley and Caleb