Farm Happenings at Saint Isidore Homestead and Permaculture
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The Salad Mix

Posted on June 5th, 2020 by Pedro Aponte

Our salad mix has been our most popular item at the Farmer's Market for over two years, and it is quickly becoming a favorite among our Harvie CSA members. We vary our salad mix slightly through the season, adding baby Asian greens and baby kale when the weather is cool enough for those crops. But the core of our salad mix is a combination of five different types of leaf lettuces, Salanova, developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds to please the most demanding palate. Salanovas stand out not only for their delicious flavor but also for their crunchy texture and freshness. They are wonderful to harvest and use in mixes because the leaves are uniformly bite size. Since we cut the leaves at the narrow end, it significantly reduces the browning and bruising thus increasing the shelf life and freshness. We typically mix all five seed packets so that when we start the seeds they are already scrambled for the mix. We also grow them on perforated landscaping fabric. It virtually neutralizes any weeds while keeping the lettuces clean from transplant to harvest. After harvest we wash our salad mix twice to ensure that you receive a thoroughly clean, ready-to-eat, salad mix that you will be satisfied with.