Farm Happenings at Rise N Shine Farm
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Farm Happenings for May 23, 2020

Posted on May 21st, 2020 by Mitch Lawson

The sunny warm days were upon us last week and the spring garden needed a bit of a water boost.  The forecast last Saturday showed this week being very dry so we spent a lot of time getting drip tape irrigation ready on several crops and then Sunday it changed to wet, wet, wet!  It never fails! If you want it to rain spend a couple days working on irrigation.     

Last week we planted okra, lima beans and field peas as well as melons and more tomatoes.  The seedlings are popping up nicely.  Summer is coming!

Please remember to check the label on the boxes and take the one(s) with your name on it.  IF it says 1/2 and 2/2 that means you have 2 boxes.  Check your box to make sure egg and meat orders are in them. Sometimes we keep the meat in the cooler.  

Please continue to social distance at pick up, wear masks, handle boxes with clean hands and don't come if you are sick.