Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Rain, rain don't go away!

Posted on February 8th, 2022 by Elizabeth Gallo

While we all love our share of the sunshine and those gorgeous, dry, clear days we oftentimes get this time of the year, I freaking love rain. So much. Especially when you spend a whole week and a half planting field after field and then it just rains for three days straight. Not much beats that. Aside from a sunny day on the beach...

Well that pretty much sums up our past week in a few sentences. Planting, rain, planting, rain. Now comes everyone's favorite task, weeding! All week :) But you truly can't beat the kind of rain we got the past fews days and I'm going to be thanking the skies and mother nature and whoever else all week for it. Since we probably won't be getting much rain in the next fews months, this will be my last rain appreciation post for a while. But those seedlings and baby plants we put in the ground last week will be appreciating that rain for a long while, and you guys will get to taste that soon enough!

We do have some tasty things in store for you this week such as more broccoli, some carrot and radish bunches, loads of tomatoes and even a bit of watermelon. Since our watermelon grew about quadruple the size that was advertised on the seed packet, we will be cutting them into 3-4 lb slices and man are they tasty. We also just dug up a bed of turmeric we planted a while back to make space for some more zucchini plants, so we are listing some 1/2 lb bags of that this week. If you struggle to find uses for turmeric, I have been really into making juice with it lately. Just grate some turmeric into a pot of water, bring it to a boil, let it sit for around 10 minutes and add some sugar. Super simple, really delicious and quite good for you to boot. If you're feeling fancy even add some citrus juice like lemon, pomelo or sour orange. 

I hope my rambling about rainy days and produce that makes me excited inspires you to have a wonderful week. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday whether that be at Leatherback or Little LaGrange. 

All the best, 

Elizabeth and the Farm Crew