Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Sweet Corn

Posted on August 12th, 2020 by Nate Olive

It's not easy growing sweet corn in the tropics -especially organic sweet corn. But this week it's bursting out a-plenty for your farm share season experience. Last year we gave it a good try but lost every single ear to deer. This year, older and wiser, we gave it another shot in a well fenced-in area and the results are spectacular. While most of us are used to cooking corn due to the inferior corn we are accustomed to buying at the supermarket, this corn is best enjoyed fresh and raw. But don't let my personal bias hold you back from your culinary impulses. There is a lot available for trade, so feel free to use the swap feature to add more into your cart if you wish.

Cherry tomatoes are also booming this week, which is the "cherry bomb" variety full of juicy flavor and ready for mini-slicing, salads, roasting, and more. These plants are loving the trellises we put up for them and will hopefully be producing even more in the coming weeks. 

For the first time this season we are also offering pumpkin slices from our long-season planting which is now starting to bear. These creamy pumpkins can be roasted in the oven or in the pan, and are the basis for the pumpkin soup we've won the Taste of St. Croix in years past. 

In the fruit world, avocadoes are marching forward in abundance while mangoes have dropped off dramatically. The remaining mangoes are mostly specialty grafted varieties that take longer to bear but often have superior flavor. The problem we have with these are intruding bugs. So if you get some of those, you can cut off the bad parts and use the rest. Genips are also finally plumping up. We have the best genips on the island -no shame in that claim -thanks for Kai and Irene Lawaetz who planted an amazing tree many years ago that we get to enjoy today.

There are also amounts of carrots, bok choy, mustard greens, moringa leaves, bell peppers, and many other crops available for your swapping this week. Please take advantage of the swap feature to get your very best box this week:)

Visit us at the Farm Tienda on Saturday for some additional special farm treats, mango-based salad dressing, and many creations from Misfit Island Munchies. This week pork tamales are back on the menu, due to popular demand.

We so appreciate your support and hope that you enjoy this week's share to its fullest.

Nate & the Farm Crew