Farm Happenings at Red Rabbit Gardens
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Farm Happenings for September 30, 2021

Posted on September 27th, 2021 by Emily Hendrikx

The CSA is almost over and so is summer, many of the summer veggies are slowing down and its hearty roots and greens time.  We dug the last of the potatoes so there are lots of russets, which make delicious fries and mashed potatoes, sweet young carrots, parsnips and celery root.  Celery root, though not super popular is one of my favourite root veggies.  Ugly and gnarly root ball with a solid, bright white interior with a strong celery flavour.  Used in all kinds of dishes, it can be eaten cooked or raw.  We will often add it to mashed potatoes, soups, stews etc.  Another thing we will do is cut off the tops, hang and dry them as a celery substitute in the winter.  A little more bitter then regular celery, a little goes a long way and we will crumble the stems and leaves in soups and other meals.