Farm Happenings at Red Rabbit Gardens
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Farm Happenings for September 9, 2021

Posted on September 6th, 2021 by Emily Hendrikx

A picture of our radish under the row cover.  This floating row cover is magical stuff, though it is also the biggest pain in the butt to deal with.  Thin like tissue paper it helps to keep a number of bug pests away from crops, mainly in the broccoli family (brassica or cruciferous family)  The tiny black flea beetle that leaves tiny holes every where, and can kill a young plant.  Cabbage looper, that beautiful white butterfly that spreads little green worms, and a handful of others.  We have to dig in the sides so that no pest can find its way in and try to make sure there are no holes in the fabric either.  It can be tricky to deal with when it is windy, but in a pinch it can be a life saver for frost protection for tender plants.  Their life span is fairly short, maybe 3-5 years, because they are so thin and are out in the sun all season, they start to tear and fall apart like wet paper.  Though they may be a pain to work and deal with, we would not be able to grow brassicas with out them!