Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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Farm Share 2023 Week 12: Keepin' up

Posted on August 21st, 2023 by Kim Barker

Welcome to Week 12 of the Farm Share! 

This time in August, when you walk around the field things look a bit... jungle-y. Weeds of all shapes and sizes, grasshoppers and cicadas, overflowing plants, insect damage. I usually have to take a deep breath before going on a field walk because there is always a mixture of things going well and things that are not, and not always a lot of answers. Today I saw that about 1/3 of our broccoli has been chopped down by something (voles?) and our last two beet plantings are looking sad and stunted. But I saw fall beets and carrots that are freshly weeded and growing well, a new batch of cabbage that is sizing up nicely, peppers that are full of green and ripening fruit.  We've got lots to do this week, catching up on planting, weeding, bed prep, and planning for our fall greenhouse production. 

Veggie Highlights

Peppers and eggplants are in full swing! And we have watermelons again! The tomatoes are taking a bit of a break; lots of green ones but not so many ripe this week, for some reason. 

We have added tomato juice to Harvie for purchase. We made it ourselves and it is super tasty, our kids love it too! We add salt and pepper sometimes before drinking. Give it a try! 


We hope you enjoy your veggies! Please don't hesitate to email at or text me at 519-719-7253 with any feedback or questions at any time. :)

Your farmer,
