Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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Farm Share Week 18 - Thanksgiving Weekend

Posted on October 3rd, 2022 by Kim Barker

Welcome to week 18 of the Farm Share! We hope you can find lots of veggies to bring to your Thanksgiving dinners this weekend. It has been a bountiful fall and we feel very grateful to be able to share it with you.

On the Farm

We had our first frost last night! I don’t know how this fall has snuck up on me!  So we spent the day covering our frost-sensitive crops and harvesting the rest of our winter squash from the field. We didn’t have much luck with our squash harvest this season but we did have fun harvesting it, and we do have enough to share. We are also bringing in some squash from the HOPE ecofarm collective, a collective of Amish organic growers in Aylmer.


We have taken over from Z&Bee Co, who managed the beehives on our farm for the last three seasons. So, we are now officially bee keepers! We have been enjoying the process and, even more so, enjoying the bountiful honey! We hope you will enjoy it too. It’s now available to purchase as an extra. Right now we have jarred it into small jars that are really ideal for gifts or just trying it out. Once we purchase some bigger jars we will have larger quantities available.

Veggies Highlights This Week

LEEKS are new this week! We are pretty happy with this year’s crop, which has been growing out there in the field for a long time.

TURNIPS are also new – purple top, white globe turnips are an heirloom type.

We are offering THANKSGIVING HERB bundles, a mix of parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (thanks, Simon and Garfunkel). Perfect for stuffing or adding to other seasonal dishes.

Two new squashes you might not be familiar with are DELICATA and CARNIVAL. Delicata are so sweet, they are known as the sweet potato squash! I often substitute them for sweet potatoes. You can eat the skin! Carnival squashes are gorgeous to look at and sometimes I give them as gifts to people who refuse to eat them but just keep them on the counter as a decoration! But they have a sweet, rich flavour and deserve a place amongst the Butternuts and Acorns.

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours

We wish you a very warm and family-filled Thanksgiving weekend. We are heart-warmed that our food may be gracing some of your tables.

Your thankful farmer,
