Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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Farm Share Week 13 - Thinking Ahead

Posted on August 30th, 2021 by Kim Barker

Hi farm friends,

We move into September riding a heat wave and the threat of severe thunderstorms. It's hard to know what the weather will have in store for us over the latter half of the Farm Share. Warm fall weather has helped us in the past to keep on harvesting later than anticipated - but the unpredictable climate will keep us on the look out for frost. For us running a farm, we are always thinking about what is coming next. Right now we are planting for the fall, and planning how much to grow next year, what we'll do differently, and what we'll do the same. Sometimes, we just have to tell ourselves to stop and enjoy the beautiful summer around us, and the bounty of the produce we have grown. This week, that was eating some fresh watermelon straight out of the field. 

Veggies This Week

We started harvesting our watermelon this week! This is another labour-of-love kind of crop that stays for a long time in the field and takes up a lot of space. It is honestly the best watermelon I have ever tasted, so much juicier than watermelon I usually have. Our yields weren't the best, as we grew it in new soil across from the driveway and it turned out to be pretty waterlogged there - things to note for next year's crop. We don't have enough for everyone, but there are some in the extras that can be swapped into your shares or purchased. They aren't all ripe yet so we'll be harvesting them over the next couple weeks. One is a dark green watermelon, and the other is a yellow-skinned variety! 

Soon, we'll have to remove our tomato plants from the hoophouses to make way for our fall greens. We didn't have the best year for tomatoes so it's a bit heartbreaking to have to do that, but in keeping with the theme of this newsletter - we always have to be thinking ahead. We want to have greens available til December this year. Next year we'll get another chance for better tomatoes (and believe me, it will be a major goal for us). 

Our second patch of zucchinis and cucumbers are starting to produce now! This was a new idea for us this season so we're excited to see it working out. 

Enjoy the summer veggies!

Your farmer,
