Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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Farm Share Week 11

Posted on August 17th, 2020 by Kim Barker

This week on the farm, we continued with bed prep and getting in some of our last plantings of the season. We planted a lot more salad mix and lettuce. We're a bit sad that we don't have salad mix or lettuce available to harvest right now - between the summer heat and busyness of planting we couldn't keep up. Hopefully we'll have them in the next week or two and then consistently from then on!

Here are a few pics of us flipping the cucumber bed. We pulled out the cukes (which were dead), weeded the bed, power harrowed it, lined up the drip tape and then spread new landscape fabric. Cauliflower was planted in later. We've been lucky to have our 13 year old nephew Tristan around for Farm Camp - he's been working hard!

This time of season is an in-between - new crops aren't quite ready, some summer crops are finishing up or slowing down, and the old familiars are still producing (2020 will be known as the season of Spring Onions, which we have somehow managed to keep producing all summer long. Hope you're not too tired of them!). Zucchini might feel a little tiresome by now, but we'll only have it for a couple more weeks so enjoy it while it lasts ;) 

We're excited for our cantaloupe and honeydew this week, as well as our continued bean harvest! We have some great red and yellow chili peppers as well as habanero peppers. Radishes are also making a comeback this week. 

There are lots of fall crops to look forward to. We think we'll be harvesting some of our winter squash soon - likely spaghetti squash and our red kuri will be first! 

Hope you enjoy your veggies this week! 

Your farmers,

Kim and Alex