Farm Happenings at Mulberry Moon Farm
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Veggie Share - Week 1

Posted on June 9th, 2019 by Kim Barker

Wow - a long and winding road has finally led us here, to our first week of our CSA (Veggie Share) at our new farm. When we left our rented land in Orangeville at the end of the Fall of 2016, we had a lot of bittersweet feelings. It was hard to let go of everything we had built there. Literally, we tore down our cold storage, farm stand, processing sinks, greenhouse. We were also leaving our community and many relationships that we had founded there. Needless to say, we had some trepidation about the move. We took about 6 trailer loads from the farm to our new one. 


Taking down our farm stand at the old farm 

[It is always strange to me to say 'new' farm, because this is the land where I grew up, since I was born. So it is old, but new, but old.]

When we arrived at our new-old farm, it didn't take long for us to know in our hearts we had made the right decision. We took some time to get to know our new-old land, with new eyes and changed eyes. We watched the way the waters rose and fell, saw which weeds came up, felt the soil. We grew cover crops and added compost to the soil. We had a beautiful baby and took time to watch her grow. We dreamed big, and made plans.

Then, as if we had no warning, the spring of 2019 and our first season was fast approaching. Our dreams got some minor input from reality and we were plunged into action. Since February of this year, we have built 2 and a half hoophouses, had a well drilled, built a packshed and a cold storage, hooked up electricity and water throughout our field, installed a wood burning stove, had a sign built, and grew our membership.

Alex building our new cold storage - we've learned a thing or two since we built our last one, so sometimes the opportunity to rebuild is a good one! Plus, now we have a nail gun.

On top of that we have done the actual farming - we have planted from seed in the greenhouse and transplanted into the ground a host of veggies including carrots, arugula, spinach, beets, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchinis, winter squash, cucumbers, beans, peas, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, lettuce, mixed greens, onions, and possibly more that I've forgotten? It's safe to say we've accomplished more this spring than any other spring in our four seasons in Orangeville. A lot of that is thanks to the amazing partnership we have had with my parents, Brenda and Paul Barker, who have really committed to our vision and have been working with us every day. They are amazing! 

Brenda taking care of Rosemary so we can farm, and Paul seeding in the prophouse

Our first season at our new-old farm has begun, and we're ready for it! Being able to set up our farm using the knowledge and experience gained at our old one has been an extremely valuable opportunity. And while we left behind a great community, we are so excited to begin setting down roots and growing with our community here.

Your First Box

What colour do you associate with Spring? Green, of course! And that is reflected in the veggies we have ready for harvest this week. Spring onions, green garlic, lettuce, mixed greens, baby bok choy, and kale (well, the kale is purple, but you get the idea!). 

Looking forward to the next couple weeks, we should start having peas, kohlrabi, radish, spinach, and baby beets. Certainly as the season progresses you will find more and more options available for customizing your share. 

Thank You!

Finally, a big thank you for joining our CSA/Veggie Share. Your commitment to local food, and to our farm in particular, means a lot! We hope that, throughout the season, you get to try some new things, have fun in the kitchen, enjoy the true seasonality of food, and get to to connect to our farm in a meaningful way. We're excited to have you on the journey with us. 

Enjoy your first harvest!

Your Farmers,
Kim and Alex