Farm Happenings at Hawkins Family Farm
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Chicken fried in pork lard

Posted on September 27th, 2019 by Zach Hawkins

Few food combinations are as mouth-wateringly delightful as Hawkins Farm pastured chicken fried in Hawkins Farm pastured pork lard. Rather than the commercial white bird raised by the industrial companies and many small farmers, we raise red birds genetically selected for pasture, with plenty of room to exercise and oxygenate their muscles, where they find bugs and clover and seeds and soak up the sunshine. Our birds take 30% longer to grow out, which translates into flavor. Similarly, rather than the bland, white pig raised indoors by the industrial companies and many small farmers, our pigs are chiefly heritage breed Red Wattle that thrive outdoors and produce prized cherry-red meat and creamy fat. It’s this creamy fat that is rendered to become healthy and tasty non-hydrogenated pure pork lard. Does’t fried chicken sound perfect as we head into the autumn season? Order a 5 lb tub of lard and a chicken this week through your meat share, as an extra, or by way of Farm Stand. Enjoy good food!