Farm Happenings at D&V Organics
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2023 Fall CSA Week 4

Posted on November 13th, 2023 by Derek Zember

D&V Organics

Fall CSA Week 4

We are making quick work on our winter projects and field cleanup as the season slowly comes toward a close and the colder weather sets in.  Our fields are cleaning up nicely, and we just seeded the bulk of the farm fields to cover crops, which will grow over the winter months.  Cover crops are non-cash crops, typically a grass, but other species are also used for various purposes.  Over the season, we grow various types of cover crops for different reasons, some help prevent erosion, others help to take up various nutrients, convert them into a plant available form and then release them into the soil for our cash crops, others grow big and then upon plowing them in, help to feed soil microorganisms and fortify the components of the soil.  The main objective is to protect and conserve the soil on the farm.  If we want to farm in the most sustainable and regenerative way, we have to protect the most basic element for producing our crops, the soil.  There are tremendous biological factors at play in the soil that we depend on so much for producing excellent crops, and growing non-cash crops, cover crops, is the best way to maximize the productivity of our farm for future generations.


Derek and Crew