Farm Happenings at Covey Rise Farms
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Farm Happenings for March 14, 2024

Posted on March 11th, 2024 by Grady Seale

We are ready to get some spring/summer crops planted on this fresh plastic mulch, even though I do think we could see a frost in early April! I am hoping that doesn't happen but it seems to be the norm the last couple Spring seasons. We will be getting some summer squash and cucs planted soon though. Tomatoes, eggplant, okra, and peppers will be planted not long after the squash & cucs, I just gotta be careful we don't plant too much too soon, in case we do get that late frost. As of now the 10 day forecast doesn't have any temperatures below 41, but boy does that seem to change after I get frost sensitive plants in the ground. :) Fingers Crossed!