Farm Happenings at Covey Rise Farms
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Farm Happenings for July 13, 2023

Posted on July 10th, 2023 by Grady Seale

Delicata squash is looking great, we should start to harvest in 1 to 2 weeks. I hope everyone loves it as much as I do, it is so easy to prepare and taste great. The typical thunder storms for this time of year have been hitting us lately, where last month we had been missing them. I am curious to see how everything holds up but we are planting and getting everything ready for the Fall. I have the farm plan just about finished, once I get all my seeds in I will ship them off to the nursery to be planted and we will start to get young transplants in mid to late August. It's always a bit tough to get those 4-6 week old plants in the ground without having them get scorched, but the white plastic and irrigation helps us with that. Stay cool and hydrated out there!