Farm Happenings at Covey Rise Farms
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Farm Happenings for June 29, 2023

Posted on June 26th, 2023 by Grady Seale

Dusty roads out on the farm and boy has it been hot. I can not remember a June where it was this hot and dry, but we are out in the fields working and trying to water as much as we can to keep things going. I had hope for blueberries to finally come in but it looks like they aren't going to make this year, hate it bc our bushes looked so good before we got that late frost. Hoping the fig tress make but they could be in the same boat as the blueberries, we will know more in a few weeks. We did get some more squash, cucs, and eggplant planted last week. We have been missing the rains at the farm, hence the dust behind my buggy, but too much rain mixed with the high temps could be detrimental to the crops so no complaints from me there. Stay cool and hydrated!