Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
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Week 16 Sept 25-30 Cooper's CSA Farm Veggie Box - The F word!

Posted on September 22nd, 2018 by Coopers CSA Farm

The F word around here is FROST!! 

You folks a little south of us or in town likely do not have to worry but there was a very light frost on Saturday night here at the farm. That's pretty normal for this time year, and cool nights generally correlates to the full moon this past Monday. We'll be ready and protect the tender crop that needs to be protected. 

Winter share sign up will start this week. Watch your email. IF YOU WERE ON THE WINTER SHARE LAST YEAR YOU WILL BE SIGNED UP AUTOMATICALLY. If you don't like that idea and want to sign up manually uncheck the auto sign up box in your profile. For everyone else watch your email sign up is coming.

The corn maze and fall fun at the farm is now fully open, 10 acre corn maze, mini maze, farm tour/wagon rides, farm kitchen bbq and more. 

That's all for now


ps. Thanks to all the responses to the sweet corn email. It really picked us up and are grateful for that.