Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
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Week 11 of 14 Winter/Spring 2020 Vegetable Share: Cooper's CSA Farm Happenings

Posted on April 3rd, 2020 by Coopers CSA Farm

It is week 11 of 14 for our Winter/Spring season.

We just want to say thank you for your support of our farm, we are proud to help feed your family.

Farm Happenings for Week 11:

*We are Accepting the Return of Boxes & Bag*

IF YOUR HOME IS ON LOCK DOWN OR QUARANTINE- We kindly ask that you Do not Return your items & keep them until further notice.

  • Please take some time to wipe down the boxes and bags for us. We greatly appreciate it. 
  • Fold down your boxes so they are flat. (see video below on how to fold down boxes)
  • Peel your label off of your box and bags then throw them away.
  • Leave egg cartons, bags and boxes outside for us to pick them up. Here is a video showing you how to breakdown you boxes and what you should do when returning them.

  • When we get them back to the farm, we will be using our green house to sterilize them. This technique is called solarization and we use it quite often. (heat from sun + very dry condition=sterilization).

Planting has begun!

  • We have started planting in the green house. We start many of our fruits & vegetables in the green house so that they get a little head start. After a couple weeks of growing in the green house, we then transplant them out into the fields.

Online Farm Store: 

  • We now have and online version of our farm store open! As members, you have your own section on the extras to shop and we save inventory specially for you as that is part of being on our program. If you have family and friends that are looking for our products but don't want to join our program that is something you can suggest.
  • Refer a Friend Link: If you have friends and family that want to sign up, be sure to log onto you harvie account and give them your referral link! When they sign up, you each will receive $25 in credits to shop in the extras section.

Maple Syrup:

  • Maple Syrup season is coming to end. As the temperatures get warmer, the trees will start to bud and that is when we stop. When the trees bud, the sap makes really bad tasting syrup.
  • When store the syrup in kegs so that we have an ample supply for the rest of the year.

Summer Sign Up:

  • Summer sign up is OPEN.
  • Spend over $1499 and you will save 5%
  • Pay for you order in full and save another 5%.


You as members are our main priority- that is the whole point of being part of program. If you see our store items and other retail be active, have no worries. We fill your shares and extras for you to shop. 

Wishing you and you family well during this time!

If you are coming to the store on Saturday to pick up or shop- we have a drive through option, we are only allowing one shopper in the store at a time & we are doing the physical shopping for you to reduce contact with all of the items. 

Talk soon,
