Farm Happenings at Cedarville Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 22, 2021

Posted on September 16th, 2021 by Mike Finger


We are wet, soaking wet!  Friday brought heavy rain and then a pretty scary wind, and we knew for sure that summer had ended.  Late summer winds always freak us out because the seasonal tunnels we put up for peppers and tomatoes are not exactly rated for winter strength storms.  So, as the wind built up over the afternoon, the farmers issued many a concerned glance toward these flimsy and all too pliable structures, looking for the first signs of impending implosion.  The end of the day found Mike making several hasty adjustments to the plastic and the tie down twine, in what seemed a weak gambit against the bottomless power of mother nature.  Fortunately, the tunnels stood and will continue to protect and nurture our peppers and tomatoes for a while at least, or until the next big blow.

Hedlin Farms in Mt. Vernon has a late crop of Sweet Corn, so we've put a few hundred ears into the Harvie crop list for this week, along with Broccoli from Crow's Farm and Yellow Potatoes and Green Beans from First Cut Farm, these two farms also of Mt. Vernon.  Our crop of winter squash is ready for harvest, so we'll be pulling them out this week and will have them available for your share boxes next week.  And thanks to the lobbying of our crew, who keep a sharp eye on the ripening of our crops, we are putting a few pounds of Brussels Sprouts into the Harvie list for this week ~ more will be available in the coming weeks.

Pork: We have one share each of Alluvial Farm's Pork Cuts and Sausage Sampler available for purchase, with the  next delivery in mid October.  Please contact us if you'd like one of these shares.

Today's Photo:

A study in green, white, and gray, the farm during storm time.

Extras for this Week:

* Eggs  *  Pasta (Lassagna Sheets)  *  Shiitake Mushrooms  *  Cherry Tomatoes  *  Goat Cheese (Chevre)   *  Pastured Roasting Chicken  *  Broccoli Raab