Farm Happenings at Tobias Garden
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Farm Happenings for August 16, 2021

Posted on August 13th, 2021 by Deidre Dealy

We have certified organic peaches and nectarines! This fruit is from Washington state and is some of the sweetest, juiciest stone fruit we have ever tried (they're famous for their fruit for a reason)! We have:

Yellow Peaches: free-stone peaches that have that characteristic sweet/tart peach flavor. 

White peaches: free-stone peaches boasting an extra sweet white flesh that is less tart than a conventional peach.

Nectarines: similar in flavor to yellow peaches but with a thicker, smooth, outer skins and firmer flesh

You can add fruit as an extra to your box any week, but seasonal flavors will change.

Hannah, our seven year old, requested money for flower seeds for her birthday in January. Her grandma blessed her with a gift that allowed her to purchase several varieties of flowers. We have enjoyed planting the seeds and watching them grow together. It is amazing that her forethought, while it was still cold and snowy, has led to such beauty this time of year! The insects are fiercely attacking some of the flower varieties, but several others are doing well. She enjoyed selling a few of her first small bouquets at Farmers Market this past week and has been able to share them with several others.  What a fun experience for us all! There are so many wonderful lessons that we can teach them (and learn for ourselves) in the garden. How to enjoy the blessings and the failures together; that we can have a hope in good things to come; that hard work pays off in multiple ways; that small gestures can bring happiness to others and that our Savior has colored our world fabulously!

Blessings to you all and have a great weekend...see you on Monday!