Farm Happenings at Schultz Valley Farms
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Tomato Season

Posted on August 5th, 2021 by Lynne Schultz

Hello everyone, 

This week has been a busy week. Not like any other week for us is not busy either. But Sadie had 4H judging at the state fair for her shirt that she sewed on Tuesday. The busy day of the weekend. Needless to say we had a few hiccup that needed to be fixed but we are so lucky to have great members that understand that things happen. Also August marks two months to fair so that means working with animals is a nightly thing. We also start fall soccer back up this week and we are helping coach our kids teams once again.........


As for the produce we are in full harvest mode. Everything in  the fields are starting to ripen and things have to picked daily. Potatoes, peppers, melons, tomatoes. Taking tomatoes over the next few weeks the tomato choice will just say tomatoes as we have such a variety right now that you will get a assortment of red, yellow and heirlooms. You still have the choice to have cherries and greens as well. We just started picking our large planting of watermelon this week red, yellows, and orange (they are our favorite). Fruits shares will be peaches, cantaloupe, and blackberries this week since it last of the blackberries for the season. Watermelon will start in fruits shares next week. 


Please remember sweet corn is one ear so if you want more you will have to add more to your basket by swapping in your basket.


Have a great weekend, 

The Schultz Family