Farm Happenings at Red Earth Farm
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Roll in July

Posted on June 28th, 2019 by Charis Lindrooth

FarmbowThe first "farmbow" of the season showed up this week - adding to the excitement of the first cucumber picked...and eaten by the Farmer's Wife and Daughter. Yum! If cukes did not land in your box this week, stay tuned, soon we will have plenty for all. The first cucumbers are the picklers, and short, stubby variety with small seeds. I don't usually bother pickling them. They are simply delicious raw and easy to eat skin and all.

June is my favorite month so it is with some sadness that I watch it pass. How can it be July already?! In between rainy days, this June has been glorious, with brilliant blue sky, soothing breezes and everything growing vigorously (including weeds!). The fireflies amongst the cut rye stalks have captivated us. In the evenings, amber glow of sunset fades, replaced by the soft velvet hues of dusk, the Farmer and I walk down the hill, hand in hand, to see the show. No fireworks display van rival the magic of the twinkling fireflies. As if they were fairies with miniature lanterns they float above the rye, rising ever higher as the darkness deepens. In striking unison they blink their golden lights as they search for each other. When I fall in to bed later that night, I gaze out the window, watching the hedgerow where so many gather, until my eyes grow heavy and I find them in my dreams.